1 – Make your thesis a product that will help you get a job.

2 – Data does not always have to be collected.  There are data sets already available to be analyzed.

3 – Do your thesis on something that you have great passion for.

4 – Constantly think of how you can publish pieces of your thesis along the way.

5 – Put great consideration into who you want in your committee. (Based on relationships and expertise)

6 – Keep an eye out for grant opportunities that will help you with your research goals.

7 – Keep in mind, multiple students can work on the same data set for their thesis.

8 – Do not be afraid to ask for guidance from experts in your field specialty.

9 – Look for thesis projects that could expand into new future opportunities (more funding, PhD work, etc)

10 – Review past thesis projects from peers to see the quality of work that has been done.